About me
Born and raised in rural California, I moved to Waco, Texas for my undergrad at Baylor University, where I graduated magna cum laude as a University Scholars major (a competitive, interdisciplinary honors program). While I began by studying applied math and chemistry, I soon found myself drawn to foundational questions about the mathematics and philosophy behind the science, and I would graduate with these as my core majors instead. I was glad to complete an honors thesis, take many independent studies in various topics while there, and participate in extracurricular research, including at an REU at Clemson University.
More recently (and in quick succession), I got married, moved to Columbus, Ohio, and began my studies at The Ohio State University in the theoretical math Ph.D. program. I hope to study number theory, geometry and/or logic (see my research page!), but am generally thrilled learn from the amazing research faculty and cohort of grad students here.
In my spare time, you might find me playing guitar, drinking black coffee, or working out (usually all at different times). I have been a music aficionado since birth (thanks Dad) so you could also find me at local punk or metal shows. I continue to read philosophy and theology in my free time and currently have works-in-progress on a novel form of mathematical structuralism, as well as a preprint in philosophy of religion with a colleague at Baylor.