Research Interests
Explicit number theory/diophantine geometry
Point counting on elliptic curves & abelian varieties
Applications to post-quantum cryptography
Diophantine equations and approximation
S-units equations and algebraic tori
Continued fractions/badly approximable numbers
Definability and decidability
Hilbert's Tenth Problem over arithmetically significant rings
Computational complexity of decision problems
Algebraic Model Theory
Transfer principles and o-minimality as applied to algebraic geometry
Discrete m-functions with Doubly Palindromic Continued Fraction Coefficients (with Brian Simanek) — accepted for publication
Continued Fractions: an Arithmetic and Analytic Study
Baylor Repository:
First-Order Definability of Darmon Points in Number Fields (with Juan Pablo De Rasis) - submission in progress
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Outer Products and Matrix Multiplication (with Jessica Bennett, Shuhong Gao, Aram Lindroth, Emily Sundberg, & Marvin Jones) - in preparation
All Evils Great and Small (with Levi Durham) - submission in progress
Philosophy of religion, formal epistemology, and decision theory
Expository Notes
What is Completeness? - Introductory notes on Gödel's Completeness Theorem and applications of complete theories to graph theory, algebra, and geometry, developed for OSU's What is? seminar.